
Showing posts from 2020

Day -DBA scripts-fragmentation

set head off set feedback off spool kill_&a_sess_i1.sql select 'spool kill_&a_sess.log' from dual; select 'set feedback on' from dual; select 'alter system kill session '||chr(39)||sid||','||serial#||chr(39)||';' from v$session where username='&a'; select 'spool off' from dual; spool off @kill_&a_sess_i1.sql spool chk_Rajtest_sess_i1.log select 'set feedback on' from dual; select sid, serial# from v$session where username='Rajtest'; spool off Rebuild index set feedback off set echo off set serverout off set pages 0 set lines 200  col name new_val dbname noprint select name from v$database; spool rebuild_idx_&&dbname\.sql prompt spool rebuild_idx_&&dbname select 'alter index '||owner||'.'||table_name||' rebuild tablespace '||tablespace_name||'_NEW;'  from dba_indexes  where tablespace_name not in ('SYSTEM', 'SYSAUX', 'UNDOTBS1',...

Snapshot Standby database and how to convert physical standby database to snapshot standby database (READ WRITE mode)

 Snapshot Standby database and how to convert physical standby database to snapshot standby database (READ WRITE mode) SQL> ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'; Session altered. SQL> SELECT   a.thread#,  b. last_seq, a.applied_seq, a. last_app_timestamp, b.last_seq-a.applied_seq   ARC_DIFF FROM (SELECT  thread#, MAX(sequence#) applied_seq, MAX(next_time) last_app_timestamp FROM gv$archived_log WHERE applied = 'YES' GROUP BY thread#) a,           (SELECT  thread#, MAX (sequence#) last_seq FROM gv$archived_log GROUP BY thread#) b WHERE a.thread# = b.thread#;    THREAD#   LAST_SEQ APPLIED_SEQ LAST_APP_TIMESTAMP     ARC_DIFF ---------- ---------- ----------- -------------------- ----------          1         75          75 04-DEC-2019 11:09:55          0 ...

Exadata interview

  Exadata interview Getting ready for a Exadata interview? Make sure to refresh your knowledge by reviewing this list of Exadata Interview Questions. What environment is a good fit for Exadata? Exadata was originally designed for the warehouse environment. Later it was enhanced for use in the OLTP databases as well. What are the advantages of Exadata? The Exadata cluster allows for consistent performance while allowing for increased throughput. As load increases on the cluster the performance remains consistent by utilizing inter-instance and intra-instance parallelism. It should not be expected that just moving to Exadata will improve performance. In most cases it will especially if the current database host is overloaded. What is the secret behind Exadata’s higher throughput? Exadata ships less data through the pipes between the storage and the database nodes and other nodes in the RAC cluster. Also it’s ability to do massive parallelism by running parallel processes across all t...

Out Of Place (OOP) Patching: Oracle 19c RAC (19.7.0) to Oracle 19c RAC (19.9.0) using 2-Step Method with Rollback Option

  Out Of Place (OOP) Patching: Oracle 19c RAC (19.7.0) to Oracle 19c RAC (19.9.0) using 2-Step Method with Rollback Option Thank you  Y V Ravi Kumar

Oracle Data Guard Fast-Start Failover using Observer in Failover Scenario

  Oracle Data Guard Fast-Start Failover using Observer in Failover Scenario

Patching Exadata

  How To Patch An Exadata Upgrading and Patching Exadata to 18c and 19c Shutdown and Startup Exadata Below are the some of the good article related to this topics.

Configure the Resource Manager

  Configure the Resource Manager Ref: Thanks Configure the Resource Manager Go back to  OCM 12c Preparation Project  Hands On Lab – Index [1] Setup the Resource Manager for 12c Non CDB. [2] Test RM for elapsed time limit exceededM [3] Test RM for parallel server limit [4] Test RM for IO Limits (SWITCH_IO_MEGABYTES) [5] Test RM for Active Sessions Limit(active_sess_pool_p1) [6] Test RM for Undo Limit (undo_pool) [7] Automate active respective plan on their schedule window. So Resource Manager for 12c is also pretty the same as Resource Manager for 11g for a database plus the CDB Resource Plans, where you can control how many "shares" and the limitations for each PDB will have in a multi-container environment. In 12c now you can also set the resource plan directive PARALLEL_STMT_CRITICAL to BYPASS_QUEUE for a high-priority consumer group so that parallel statements from the consume...